Larry & Raven ♦ A Mentalist Couple

Jan 13th  @ 7:00 PM  Ages 13 +  BYOB 21 +


ESP, telepathy, mind reading: If there is such a thing, wouldn't you want to see for yourself?
Larry & Raven,  a mentalist couple based in New York, appear to read minds, predict choices and see the unseen. Impossible you say? That’s what they do… the impossible. They will make you question everything you know, scratching your head wondering “How?!”.
They stun audiences with a "psych-ish" ability to read and influence every thought. No information is ever given to them before a performance. The thoughts that they reveal are those actually held in the minds of the audience -- all strangers to them. 

As a “genuine” mentalist couple they have toured the world.  Part of a lineage that spans more than 150 years. They have toured the world with more than 1,000 appearances in over 40 states and over a dozen countries. One of the few foreign performers featured in the longest-running variety show at NGK Theater in Osaka, Japan. Most recently they were voted “2019 Mentalists of the Year” by U.S. College Campuses.

You have to see this to believe it! Call it E.S.P., mind reading or mind magic. Whatever you call it. They say you will call it FANTASTIC (and their hunches are usually right)!


Smoke & Mirrors Magic Theater
Landmark Business Center
2840 Pine Road
Philadelphia, PA 19006
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